Monday, June 15, 2009

21st Century Strategies in ELL Classroom

Welcome to the ELL Blog! Here we will be brainstorming the different strategies and Web 2.0 tools to help facilitate the teaching and learning for student achievement. My hope is to share strategies and ideas by collaborating and building a learning community for all around the world.

Dr. Bob Marzano, CUE 2009 Keynote, Part I
Dr. Marzano spoke at the CUE (Computer Using Teachers) Conference in March 2009. Here Dr. Robert Marzano addresses the question What do we know about the effect of technology on student achievement?


  1. Please tell me how to use this site as I have never been on a blog before. How do I see the articles and post a response? HELP!!!

  2. Kathy,
    Just click on the comment and add it! Click on the triangle in the center to play the video.
